Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Music Roundup 7/31

Well, not really.  One thing I really wanted to avoid with this blog was becoming a music critic.  I have no desire to be a critic: I don't care about placing an artist's work in context, I don't care about establishing canon, and I especially don't give a shit about grading music on some kind of faux-objective scale.  I don't have the time to write a lot of words about stuff I don't like. 

Instead, I want to be a music advocate, passing along stuff that I like and explaining my reaction to it.  Unfortunately, that means that sometimes you get weeks like this week, where there really wasn't anything that caught my fancy.  

Although to be fair, this week's lack of interest had more to do with the entirety of the recording industry ignoring today for the purposes of releasing new music than with me hearing a bunch of new stuff I didn't like.  The only real notable release of the week was Rick Ross's God Forgives, I Don't, which I wanted to like (how can you not with that album title?), but unfortunately reacted to in a lukewarm manner (although the album is notable for being yet another album Andre 3000 appears on, which makes the continued lack of progress on a new Outkast album all the more frustrating).

Anyway, check back later in the week; I may put up a non-new music feature should I get the inclination.  Why must I only write about new music, after all?  

Oh, because "new music" is in the title of the blog?  Yeah, I guess that's a fair point, self.  

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