Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Album Review Blog is Now Live

As requested by a couple people, here is a repository (that's the correct word, right? I always get repository and suppository mixed up. Both involve shoving stuff somewhere, I guess) of all my new music reviews in the last couple weeks. Save it on your favorites list. Tell all your friends. Tweet it. Or not; I don't really care either way.

Fortunately, blogspot allows me backdate posts, so I've cut and pasted old emails (typos, outdated opinions, and all) and assigned them the correct dates on the blog. This has probably tripled the number of blog posts I've ever made.

At some point I may go back and actually embed videos into them, but that seems like it might involve work. Actually, that may be perfect work for an outsourced Indian assistant. Or Higgins.

Oh, and Ricci, if I go off the deep end with this whole blog thing, I'm blaming you.

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