Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Best of the Rest
88 Lines about 44 Songs

Part Two

33) Dirty Projectors - Offspring are Blank
This is kinda a weird song (although not really by Dirty Projectors standards).  But even weird songs can kick ass.

32) El P - Oh Hail No
El P is a very good producer and a competent enough rapper.  The reason this song is ranked where it is though is because at the 1:40 mark, Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire gives my favorite rap verse of the year.

31) Kelly Hogan - We Can't Have Nice Things
Is it enough to say I find her voice pretty?  Because that's all the analysis you're going to get.

30) Dr. John - Locked Down
This is Dr. John doing Dr. John things.  I like when Dr. John does Dr. John things.

29) AC Newman - Encyclopedia of Classic Takedowns
This is AC Newman doing AC Newman things.  I like it when AC Newman does AC Newman things (I swear, last time I use this structure on the list).

28) Miike Snow - Paddling Out
One of my favorite dance songs of the year.  Swedes now how to write dance music.

27) The Lumineers - Slow It Down
This is another song that wasn't the most popular on the album.  I like it best and think it sounds like it could have been on Ryan Adams's Heartbreaker, which is a pretty big compliment.

26) YNRichKids - Hot Cheetos and Takis
Sure, it's a novelty hit.  But these kids actually do seem pretty talented to me, and they taught me what takis were.

25) Django Django - Default
The song's catchy and dance-y.  It manages to worm its way into my ear on more than one occasion.

24) Nick Waterhouse - Say I Wanna Know
There wasn't a whole lot of good throwback R&B this year.  Nick Waterhouse almost makes up for it.

23) Animal Kingdom - Strange Attractor
I guess this is fairly typical indie rock in 2012.  Still, I dig the soaring chorus.

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